Trademark Clearance, Evaluation And Opinions
Bilicki Law assists clients throughout the trademark clearance process to ensure that the chosen mark does not violate another company’s trademark rights or consumer protection laws and, additionally, if selected, will become a strong component of the client’s brand.
Our legal team has years of experience performing preliminary, or knockout, searches, as well as full trademark searches, in which one of our trademark attorneys provides an opinion letter based on information collected from hundreds of databases. To advise our multinational corporate clients in the selection of foreign language marks, including translation and transliteration marks, we consult with a network of legal associates around the world.
The Value Of Working With An Experienced Legal Team
A thorough trademark search requires more than just investigating your options through the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) website. It’s an important legal process that requires skill and a deep understanding of trademark law, the USPTO, and other non-U.S. trademark offices. There can be a lot at stake if the search is inaccurate or you misinterpret the results of a search, resulting in accidental infringement and eventual litigation.
Our attorneys understand the benefit of having access to quality counsel where you need it most, which is why our firm operates on a hub-and-spoke premise. While our main office is in Jamestown, New York, our intellectual property lawyers are spread out across the nation, making it easier for businesses to seek counsel when and where they need it.
Contact Our Firm For The Experienced IP Guidance You Need
We have over 25 years of experience prosecuting and litigating trademarks for our clients, offering the same level of service as larger IP firms without the inflated cost. To schedule a meeting with a highly skilled intellectual property attorney at Bilicki Law, call 716-664-5600 or contact us online.