
As the world becomes increasingly digital, copyright principles and jurisprudence are constantly evolving. Our copyright lawyers’ technological and engineering experience have prepared them to adapt to this new reality. Bilicki Law can protect your original works of traditional authorship, such as books, music, art, photography, and film. But we can also guard your works of digital media in any of its forms, including computer software, databases of information, downloadable video and audio, and web page content.

We can register copyrights, expedite applications, record documents, perform title searches, litigate copyright disputes, and manage proceedings in all phases of litigation. Additionally, we provide counsel on the sale and acquisition of copyrights and property libraries, advertising, moral rights, performance rights, and related rights.

Global Representation For Your Convenience

Though our main office is located in Jamestown, New York, our team of attorneys can provide legal counsel across the United States and abroad. We have attorneys strategically positioned throughout the country close to United States Patent and Trademark Offices (USPTO). Our goal is to streamline and expedite the USPTO application process for you and your business.

Additionally, with our international practice, we partner with a network of lawyers in other countries to secure multijurisdictional copyrights and trademarks so you can remain competitive in the global market.

Contact Us For Customized Copyright Strategies

In operation for over 25 years, Bilicki Law is a trusted name in intellectual property. We have a long-standing list of satisfied clients because we use our experience, knowledge, and tenacity to develop lasting intellectual property protection solutions.

To learn more about our copyright services, contact our Jamestown office to schedule a meeting with our qualified legal team. Call 716-664-5600 or contact us online to get started.